Start your day with an explosive burst of energy! This high-intensity interval training (HIIT) class uses your body weight as well as low resistance exercise bands and dumbells to challenge every muscle group, boost your metabolism, and leave you feeling unstoppable. Designed to fit into your morning routine, each session combies fast-paced cardio, strength-building exercises, and dynamic movements that target endurance, power, and flexibility. Whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned athlete, you’ll enjoy the high-energy atmosphere, motivating music, and a community that pushes you to perform your best. Wake up and get ready to get moving-this class will set the tone for the rest of your day! Please bring your yoga mat and if you have them, your exercise bands and low weight (3 -10 lbs) dumbells to class!
Two sessions per week for six weeks (12 sessions total)
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays starting March 25th
Time: 6am-7am
Where: Telstar High School Gym Tuition: $180 for all six weeks or $20/session for drop-in