Summer ’24 News
Help Needed
I volunteered to take on the Board Chair position last fall to address an emergency knowing my available time was very limited. Normally, I would talk to members about being a director and invite them to participate in this core activity. Unfortunately, my time is not available to search out members individually, so I am turning to this newsletter for volunteers to come forth. Please, if you have some time available and are interested in helping with the continuation of WMSC, please call Jim Bebko at 824-4545 or send an email to jbebko@oxfordnetworks.net and we can sit down over a cup of coffee or tea and discuss WMSC’s needs..
WMSC currently needs at least three volunteers to become directors and others who are willing to teach, share their life experiences or coordinate. A directorship is the three-year commitment with the option to continue for another three year period. Directors in addition to meeting as a board (usually five per year), serve on the program committee (which meets about 6 times a year often concurrent with the board meeting) and other tasks as needed. It is not a major commitment of time, normally.
The three new directorships have specific functions on the board, board chair, vice chair, and communications. The Board Chair responsibilities include calling and running board meetings, monitoring the overall functioning of the organization and being the public face of WMSC. The Board Chair serves for one year. The vice chair has no defined role other than to learn the organization’s operation, but may assume any other task. The communication directorship is responsible to see that at least four newsletters are issued, a summary course catalog issued for each of the terms, and that a yearly review be made of the communication tools (web page, course storm, Facebook, newsletter, newspaper articles, rack card, and posters). This task is not as daunting as it appears, WMSC gets good support and assistance from the knowledgeable staff in the Adult Ed. Office. WMSC would benefit from a younger, new set of volunteers to continue the recovery process and address the evolving opportunities.
Spring Term
We had a very good spring term. The course on Transcendentalism had 14 participants, Wealth Management had 10 participants, and Painting and Drawing had 9 participants. The art group (even) used the technology in room 133 to watch YouTube videos. We had a good turnout for the Gould tour and Solar Eclipse talk; Great Decisions and the Wildflower walks continue to be attended as expected. And we ended the term with our “crazy cook”. Our membership ended this year at 65, a gross improvement over a low of 29 paid members in June 2021. WMSC is a very good organization fulfilling its mission. Many thanks to all those who made the school year a rebuilding success. We are an organization of senior volunteers who count on the good will of members, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Program Committee Chair
In early March, Lucy Abbott requested that she be replaced as program committee chair. Later in March at the board meeting, Melinda Remington volunteered to take the position. In June, Lucy and Melinda effected the transition, the fall program will continue as usual. For those who don’t know Melinda, she is a retired teacher originally from Bethel who has a deep interest in education. She is enthusiastic and knows just about everyone in town. She also continues teaching by helping recent immigrants learn our English language in Lewiston. She has a keen interest in life long learning. I hope everyone welcomes Melinda to her new role.
Coming for the Fall of 2024
*Creative Writing will return under the direction of Bridget Remington
*To Your Health “Eat Well – Live Well” by Kathi Dicocoa
*Painting and Drawing
*Country Hall of Fame Tour
*Gould Academy Tour
*Great Decisions
*Wine Tasting
*And another senior players exceptional presentation.
**The program committee is still working on additional offerings. Details will come out in late August and will be covered at the annual meeting in early September. It will be a potluck supper event – remember to invite a friend.
Thank you and have a delightful summer.
Jim Bebko
June 2024
For a complete list of WMSC Spring courses and to learn more about how to become a member, please click this link:http://sad44.coursestorm.com/category/western-mountains-senior-college-courses